This page is dedicated to all articles comprising the RPG Lexicon Series.
Part 1: GrindingThe nature of organic and artificial progression.
Part 2: Dungeons
The nature of gimmicks, motifs, and aesthetics and their application in RPG design.
Part 3: Overworlds
How previous terms apply to the RPG overworld, as well as the travel cycle.
Part 4: Combat
Terms for combat styles, as well as the elements that make compelling combat.
Current Lexicon Terminology:
Organic grinding- the experience (EXP) the game developers force you to accrue because of thoughtful game design.Artificial grinding- the experience accrued for no other reason than to lighten the burden on the player or subvert the difficulty spikes.
Motif- A fundamental mechanic of a core environment in an RPG, such as a dungeon, or the overworld. Motifs encompass reoccurring mechanics.
Gimmick- An area-specific mechanic of a core environment. Usually a puzzle or gameplay element exclusive to an area.
Aesthetic- The artistic design of a core environment. This artistic element can contribute to gimmick mechanics.
"Traditional" Overworld Design- A
reference to the top-down, "miniature" aesthetic present in classic
role-playing games, this design often features terrain obstacles, random
encounters, and minimal interactive elements outside of town and
dungeon portals.
"Unconventional" Overworld Design- With
the expansion of the genre, many new titles attempt Overworld design
that increases or simplifies exploration to further enhance the
experience. While there are a number of different styles, we have
simplified this definition to any Overworld not top-down based.
Travel Cycle- The
cyclical and predictable stages of travel found in "traditional"
Overworlds, in which terrain obstacles and distance gradually become a
non-issue thanks to new traversal elements.Turn-based battles- A traditional style of combat that has enemies and player-controlled party members taking turns individually, with damage being calculated and dealt in-between teams.
Active-selection battles- The gray area of combat types, often labeled as "hotkey combat," in which players select attacks while combat plays out in real time. Positioning is often important in these systems.
Action battles- Combat in which precision movement and inputs is required, with overarching statistics determining damage output. These systems often feature a stamina gauge.
Ebb and flow- The momentum of battle that each combat system creates, whether calculating and strategic, or active and instinctual.
Momentum- The level of active-engagement the player experiences in playing a video game. Momentum can be achieved through compelling narrative and gameplay systems, but requires player interaction.
Loot Cycle- The cyclical act of obtaining and spending in-game currency, resulting in character progression. This is gradual and integrated within gameplay.
Gear Grinding- The act of gathering materials through repetition in order to craft or obtain gear, resulting in character progression. This is a conscious choice made by the player and is artificial in comparison.
All of this terminology will be utilized in analysis of specific titles, but this lexicon is not by any means definitive. I am open to discussing, debating, and redefining many of these terms in order to streamline my critical analysis, and I encourage comments regarding this lexicon.
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